000035_news@columbia.edu_Fri Oct 6 14:09:48 1995.msg
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From: fdc@watsun.cc.columbia.edu (Frank da Cruz)
Newsgroups: comp.protocols.kermit.misc,comp.unix.solaris
Subject: Re: Real Fix for Kermit on Solaris?
Date: 6 Oct 1995 14:09:48 GMT
Organization: Columbia University
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In article <4510a5$f9c@sungy.Germany.Sun.COM>,
Casper H.S. Dik - Network Security Engineer <Casper.Dik@Holland.Sun.COM> wrote:
: paul@ahwau.ahold.nl (Paul Slootman) writes:
: >Frank da Cruz <fdc@watsun.cc.columbia.edu> wrote:
: >>Bjorn Eng <Bjorn.T.Eng@jpl.nasa.gov> wrote:
: >>: I have built C-Kermit 5A(190) on a Sun Sparc-20 Solaris 2.4 machine.
: >>: It runs fine but if I use it for dial-out it messes up the port monitor
: >How does it mess it up? What are the symptoms?
: The protmonitor listens for incoming calls. For bidirectional ports,
: the portmonitor will start failing to open the dial-in side of the port
: when the dialout is started and will conclude that the port is broken
: after a short period of time.
: Bug id 1191317, this shoul dbe fixed with patch 101720-02 (2.3)
: There seems to be no matching 2.4 patch.
So you are saying there is a bug in Solaris 2.3 that causes the above
symptom, and that when this patch is applied, the problem goes away?
But that there is no way to fix it in Solaris 2.4?
Yet others are saying that this does not happen in tip or cu or whatever.
So evidently there is a way to code around the problem, but we do not
know what it is, because the sources for tip and cu are not open.
I do not have access to a Solaris system that has a dialout modem, so I
will need some assistance with this one. I'm perfectly willing to include
any disgusting code that might be necessary to get this to work, even
different code for each version and each patch level of Solaris, but I
can't do it myself because I don't have a testbed available to me.
Remember, folks, UNIX is a fairly portable and standard development
environment except in certain areas. The most notorious trouble spot,
from Kermit's point of view, is the handling of dialout devices:
what are they called, what are the permissions on them, what directory are
the lockfiles in, what are the permissions on that directory, what are the
lockfiles called, what is in the lockfiles, what are the permissions on
the lockfiles, and, worst of all, how to handle bidirectional lines.
As far as I know, no two vendors do it the same way. If you are having
trouble in this area on your system, send me thorough and complete
documentation of the programming interface and techniques specified by
the vendor for doing this, and be prepared to test the results.
- Frank